
Lessons my mother taught me

Monday, 29 April 2013 | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Mother’s day is just under two weeks away and it’s got me thinking about the seminal role my mother has played in my life and the important lessons she taught me.

From a young age, my mother encouraged me to be the best that I could be. She didn’t care if I wanted to be a doctor, a hairdresser, or a circus performer, she always just said be the best doctor, hairdresser, or circus performer, not in the world, but that that I could be.

I definitely did not learn to cook from her, try as she did to educate me. She loves to tell the story of how she asked me to take some prepared chicken out of the fridge and put it in the oven for dinner. I did, but I left the saran wrap on it. She didn’t tell me to take it off! (I was about 11.) And so my illustrious career in the kitchen began.

And she always told me not to complain about my significant other to my friends. “You will forgive him, but they won’t.” I sometimes fall down on this one, as I need a good vent as much as the next girl. But she’s right. We all talk about the bad because, let’s be honest, “he brings me flowers every week” is just not that salacious.

Her most common mantra and the one that resonated with me most was always: “Kristina, you cannot rely on anyone to take care of you. You have to take care of yourself.” And by this it was implied that I should not count on Prince Charming – or my parents for that matter – to pay the bills.

When she’s angry or frustrated with me, she always says I haven’t learned a thing from her. But she’s wrong. Mom, I couldn’t have done any of it without you. You remain my advisor, my shoulder to cry on, and one of my best friends.

What important life lessons have you learned from your mother?

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  • tiger_lily_2

    Never let the bitches see you cry. My mom learned it from her mother. The most important thing though was to never neglect your friends, especially for your significant other. Boyfriends will come and go, but your friends will be the ones who you’ll rely on to pick up the pieces when things go wrong (with the boyf or life in general) .

  • Kim Telford

    My mom taught be how to smile and be kind to everyone…and how to cook and sew….I miss her everyday.

  • Pingback: Mums: The most beautiful people on the inside and out | Grown-Up Party

  • Kristina Matisic

    Tiger lily, that’s a classic. Never let the bitches see you cry. Hear, hear!